Installing udpsend Note that the file INSTALL contains generic build and installation instructions; it supplements this file (specifically, the steps involving 'configure', 'make', and 'make install'). The file PLATFORMS contains platform-specific notes. -- 1. Obtain and Install libnet, the packet writing library. It is available from The present version of this program uses the libnet 1.1.x API. It does not support the libnet 1.0.x API. More information about which versions of libnet the program has been successfully used with (and whether any versions should be avoided), may appear in the PLATFORMS file. Libnet must be installed to compile the the program; we assume we'll find the libnet library and header files in either /usr/local or the other usual places the compiler and linker will search. If you've installed it elsewhere, when you run 'configure' below, remember to specify the --with-libnet=DIR option. We also assume we can find the 'libnet-config' executable (installed as part of libnet) somewhere in your path. --- 2. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type `./configure' to configure the package for your system, possibly specifying options such as --with-libnet=DIR if this is needed to help it locate this package. More information about running 'configure' is available in the INSTALL file, and you may type './configure --help' for a summary of options. Additional notes about some platforms may be in the PLATFORMS file. --- 3. Type `make' to compile the package. --- 4. Type `make install' to install the package. --- 5. Permission to open a network interface is normally restricted, as it provides access to read or write arbitrary packets from/to the network. You will either need to run the program as root, or another user who has permission to read and write the network interface. You might choose to make the executable suid root. Or you might change the interface to be owned by a special group (e.g. 'interfaces'), make it r/w by that group, then make the executable sgid to that group. ---